Quote of the day - Tommy Lasorda, The difference between impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination. Insecurities Google the word insecure and you find the following: Insecure is an adjective not firmly fixed, liable to give way or break, able to be broken into or illicitly accessed (vulnerable), (of a job or position) from which removal or explosion is always possible, and (of a person) not confident or assured, uncertain and anxious. In my opinion, an insecure person then starts to make assumptions, rash decisions and impose his other ideas on their relationships. The behavior can lead to an emotional drain on everyone involved. Actively work on your insecure thoughts, but remember to be kind in your relationships. If you are working to hard in your relationship, then maybe it is not the relationship you want. From Everyday Kindness, July 15, "Kindness is the sunshine in which virtue grows." Robert ...