
Monday Fun Day (not)

Every wonder if you are the only person in the world.  You say words all day, but who is really listening?  Life happens in a blink of an eye.  Coach told me that fourteen years ago.  Why some times seem perfect, but underneath it is not perfect.  You smile, because you been told it helped you get through the day.  The saying is, grin and bear it.  My lettermen's jacket says, Bear with Me.  What happened to being patient, having empathy or really be an active listener?   Mondays come and go.  What did you notice today about the world you live in?  Did you do something for yourself?  Did you help everyone but yourself?  What was it you wanted to do and forgot? Did you take thirty minutes to maybe read, meditate, write in a journal or exercise?   Try the above.  It could help you be an active listener, have empathy, improve your soul and feel better about going to sleep and starting the next day with a clean slate.  I saw a man today standing in the sun looking down at

Super Woman

Super Woman! The quote of the day is from the book, Begin It Now: Action springs not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility - Dietrich Bonhoeffer Word of the day:   Aggregate, verb, the whole sum or amount (Merriam-Webster). There are many aspects of a life.  My life revolves around being a daughter, sister, girlfriend, wife, mom, controller, athlete and myself.  In the aggregate of the above, Super Woman.  How else would you define it? Have you heard the question, I do not know how you do it all?  I am here to tell you the answer.  I just keep swimming.  I tackle each part of my day with the end in mind.  Can I finish everything in a day?  I am Super Woman, but I am not perfect.  Yes, I have to check boxes, and yes, I want to complete everything or I feel like a failure.  And guess what, I am almost positive you are not perfect either.  Why be hard on those around you, if you are not perfect?  As humans, we make mistakes and fail in goals.  The above means,


Quote of the day - Tommy Lasorda, The difference between impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination. Insecurities  Google the word insecure and you find the following:  Insecure is an adjective not firmly fixed, liable to give way or break, able to be broken into or illicitly accessed (vulnerable), (of a job or position) from which removal or explosion is always possible, and (of a person) not confident or assured, uncertain and anxious.  In my opinion, an insecure person then starts to make assumptions, rash decisions and impose his other ideas on their relationships.  The behavior can lead to an emotional drain on everyone involved.  Actively work on your insecure thoughts, but remember to be kind in your relationships.  If you are working to hard in your relationship, then maybe it is not the relationship you want.  From Everyday Kindness, July 15, "Kindness is the sunshine in which virtue grows."  Robert Green Ingersoll.

Mid LIfe

Quote of the day - Dwight Eisenhower, "Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it." Bucket List Do you have a Bucket List?  If you do not, then you should complete  a Bucket List.  I have read many books, listen to lectures and people do concur that if you have a goal, write it down,  You have a better probability of achieving the goal.  If you do not write it down, then it is only a dream that exist in your head! Here is mine and still a work in progress: Kindness Today from, everyday kindness, June 16th :   Show Yourself Loving Compassion.  Envisage a loved one feeling hurt or upset.  Imagine what you would say to them, how you would comfort them, reassure them, care for them and make the m feel better.  Summon up these feelings of compassion and now direct them forward yourself.