Mid LIfe

Quote of the day - Dwight Eisenhower, "Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it." Bucket List Do you have a Bucket List? If you do not, then you should complete a Bucket List. I have read many books, listen to lectures and people do concur that if you have a goal, write it down, You have a better probability of achieving the goal. If you do not write it down, then it is only a dream that exist in your head! Here is mine and still a work in progress: Kindness Today from, everyday kindness, June 16th : Show Yourself Loving Compassion. Envisage a loved one feeling hurt or upset. Imagine what you would say to them, how you would comfort them, reassure them, care for them and make the m feel better. Summon up these feelings of compassion and now direct them forward yourself.