Monday Fun Day (not)

Every wonder if you are the only person in the world. You say words all day, but who is really listening? Life happens in a blink of an eye. Coach told me that fourteen years ago. Why some times seem perfect, but underneath it is not perfect. You smile, because you been told it helped you get through the day. The saying is, grin and bear it. My lettermen's jacket says, Bear with Me. What happened to being patient, having empathy or really be an active listener? Mondays come and go. What did you notice today about the world you live in? Did you do something for yourself? Did you help everyone but yourself? What was it you wanted to do and forgot? Did you take thirty minutes to maybe read, meditate, write in a journal or exercise? Try the above. It could help you be an active listener, have empathy, improve your soul and feel better about going to sleep and starting the next day with a c...